Investment Portfolios
OnPoint Managed Portfolios
Fully diversified, professionally managed investment portfolios combining individual stocks and fixed income pools, or a choice of ETF portfolios
An investment strategy that matches your personal objectives, with a suite of nine mandates
Actively managed
Institutional-calibre investment managers use their deep expertise to select securities, and make buy and sell decisions
All day-to-day details are handled by investment professionals at Aviso Wealth
All-inclusive fee
Fee-based accounts provide services for one transparent, monthly fee, based on account size
Save with potential tax deductions on non-registered accounts, and lower fees with account grouping
Available only to credit union members with a minimum account size of $100,0001
1 ETF options: minimum investment $50,000
Activities performed by Aviso Wealth are conducted through Aviso Financial Inc.
SmartStep your way to investment opportunities
Everyone knows the golden rule of successful investing - buy low – sell high. But deciding exactly what to buy and when to sell – well, that’s a much trickier proposition. Investing for your future is not as easy or risk-free as the business magazines would like you to think. That’s why Comtech Fire, with our dealer partner Qtrade*, is offering you an exciting investment opportunity: Professionally Managed Investment Portfolios.
Service excellence
For more information please contact your branch.

* Mutual funds and other securities are offered through Aviso Wealth, a division of Aviso Financial Inc. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Unless otherwise stated, mutual fund securities and cash balances are not insured nor guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.